“In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” Mahatma Gandhi

In the world of physics there is a phenomenon known as acoustic shadows. An acoustic shadow occurs when sound that would normally be heard is blocked. This can happen because the sound is absorbed by some material, or refracted when it meets a warm or rapidly moving layer of air. The refraction cannot only bounce the sound away from a location but it can also direct it to another location where it would not normally carry. In these ways an acoustic shadow is to sound what a mirage is to light.

Now consider this from a spiritual perspective. What happens to words that are spoken in anger? What if the angry words you intended for your enemy bounced to another location and instead fell on the innocent ears of your child? Or what if the negative words you speak about others were refracted and redirected to your body cells? Since sound travels approximately one mile in five seconds how long do you think it would take to break someone’s heart or to scar him or her for life with your words — with the sounds of your personality? The bible teaches us that we hold both ‘life and death in the power of our tongues.’ This is why even today we all carry the wounds of misplaced and misdirected words in our hearts. This is why we all remember the thoughtless words of a parent or the insensitive words of a teacher or the inconsiderate words of a friend or the spiteful words of a spouse like they were spoken only yesterday. If we are ever going to live the life of our dreams then our words will have to correspond to the direction we want to go as opposed to the direction we came from.


The Alpha and Omega Section

Do you believe words have the power to bless or curse your life?

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